Tuesday 28 May 2013

"Living in the Moment" - Why I am Content with Where I Am in Life

Hello all, and welcome to another installment of The Ways of the Force! Tonight, I wanted to share some thoughts I've been having lately regarding life, the universe and everything. It has to do with the concept of mindfulness; a concept that forms a central part in a lot of different human spiritual paths, and one that has even worked its way into the common vernacular. In our crazy busy work-a-day world, such a concept may seem radical, but it is also essential for our mental sanity in a world plagued with financial crises, emotional turmoil and conflict.

Before I continue, I should explain a little about my own life at this point in time. I'm 25, recently graduated from a Masters program in History from a small Canadian university, and I'm currently working for our local cable company. I had gone to school to be a teacher, and hoped even to some day teach at the university level, but as often happens, life had other plans for my mid-twenties. I know many other young people my age who are in a similar position, and by all accounts, the global financial crisis has created a job market in Canada which is difficult to break into. Given all this, you would think that I would be upset and feeling as though I was not living up to my full potential. Granted, I have my moments (I may be a Jedi, but I'm also still human!), but to be honest, in a strange way I feel more inner peace than I thought I would given the situation. This is because to me, work is only the tip of the iceberg of the things that matter in life. Sure, money may be tight sometimes, but I can honestly say I like my job, I love the people I work with, and I have friends and family who I love and who love me. This might not be true to the "American dream" of Western civilization, but I think it teaches a valuable lesson. Would I like to be teaching? Absolutely, but amid all the hardships of life, we need to remember to be thankful for the things that we have and for where we are at this very moment.

There is a scene in the movie Star Trek: Insurrection that makes me think of the concept of mindfulness. Picard and the Ba'ku woman he had fallen for in this installment were talking and she explained to him that her people had learned to explore the vast universes that existed within even a single moment of time. To me, there is no better explanation of the importance of mindfulness. Living in the moment is essential not only because it makes us appreciate our lives all the more, but it also represents a chance to achieve some peace and connection with the Force in our daily lives. It's a chance to feel the healing energy of the universe if even for a moment, and realize that "okay, maybe I don't have everything I want right now, but there's time for that, and what I do have right now is really great!"

In closing, I'd like to share a thought I've always had about life. After being raised Catholic and embarking on a spiritual journey through which I've explored many belief systems, I've come to a conclusion. Whatever your faith, whatever you may believe happens after death (if anything at all), all any of us knows beyond a reasonable doubt is that we have this present life. I believe in reincarnation and rejoining the Force, my step-mother believes in Heaven, and others have many diverse beliefs in between, but can any of us know for sure that we are right? No, and in light of this, it is important not to waste our lives always pining for the next great achievement without taking time to be appreciative of what we have. It's important to aspire to better ourselves, but it is also important to be mindful of the moment and all that comes with it. To truly find a balance of the two is precisely what it means to be a Jedi, and it is a journey we will all be on for our entire lives.

Blessed be, Namaste, and May the Force be with you all!

Master Mike

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