Sunday 26 May 2013

My Thoughts on the Jedi Code

I know I just started this blog, but there is something else which I felt had to be written about, and that is the Jedi Code. It is the foundation upon which being a Jedi is built, and I first found my way to it early in my Pagan studies. Shortly after I found out I was an energy conduit, I realized that I needed to find an inner peace and balance for my energies or else I would expend too much of my own energy. It was because of this that I seriously began embracing the Jedi path, and the first step, of course, is the Code. So, without further ado, here it is, along with my musings on it.

There is no emotion, there is Peace.

This precept cannot be interpreted literally. Emotion is, of course, an essential element of human nature. What this part of the Code advocates beyond all else is not the expulsion of all emotion (we are not Vulcans after all), but rather the healthy integration of emotions into our every day lives. All of us are human, and as such we have emotions, but what this precept warns against is allowing our emotions to consume us. Wicca and Paganism teach us that the universe exists in balance, and this teaching reminds us to apply this balance to our emotional lives as well. After all, the first step to mastering the manipulation of the energies of the universe is to master one’s own energies and seeking the balance within.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

This precept teaches us one very important thing. Namely, that there is only ignorance in the absence of knowledge. The cure for all racism, sexism, and discrimination of all forms in the world is knowledge. Learning about and embracing our differences is the key to appreciating each other as human beings. To acquire knowledge allows us to grow and expand our connection to the universe because, after all, no knowledge is harmful; it merely helps us to fulfill our own potential and that of the human race as a whole.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

This precept is a reiteration of the first one with a twist. Again, it is not that passion is bad. As humans, we all have passions; relationships, hobbies, interests, etc. What is dangerous, however, is to allow said passions to consume us. We have all been so deeply involved in our own passions that, at some point or another, we have shut out the outside world. What this precept teaches us is not to ignore our passions or repress them, but rather to embrace them and integrate them into our lives in a healthy way. It is okay to feel strongly and love, but one must always strive to retain one’s internal balance.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

This precept is an important one. A scientific understanding of the universe teaches us that it is vast, complex and seemingly random. To atheists and anyone without a belief in a higher power, the universe exists as a random convergence of energies with no purpose whatsoever. Everything is random and nothing exists for any reason other than random happenstance. To one who believes in the Force/the Universe/Chi/Life Force/etc., however, this is not the case. What appears to be random to our linear, corporeal minds actually has a function and purpose beyond our understanding. Everything is made of energy, has an opposite, and a path, and therefore nothing is random. The energy of the universe functions as a single, elegant machine, and the only reason it appears chaotic at all is because we are only capable of viewing sections of it, not the whole. 

There is no death, there is the Force.

As living beings, we are all intertwined with the life force of all of existence. We exist and breathe with one breath, and we are all a part of an energy greater than ourselves. Quantum Physics tells us that the universe itself is made up of vibrating wavelengths of energy, whose differing vibrations make up all that is. Neuroscience takes it one step further, stating that the electromagnetic energy of our consciousness matches that of the universe itself in terms of frequency. All of this serves to remind us that while death may be the end of our corporeal existences, it is not the end of life. The energy that forms who we are rejoins the greater life force of all of existence, and all energy in the universe is recycled. In short, we are all one, despite what the conditions of our physical existence may tell us otherwise.

That's about it really. Together, these five precepts outline concisely what it is to walk the Jedi least for me. I would love to hear the input of others on this though! 

Until next time!

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